Create an Account as guest
Dear platform visitor, we are very pleased that you are now creating an account in order to use all the functions of the platform. Registration and use of the platform functions are completely free for you as a guest.

Account Information


Do you want to register as host?

Dear platform visitor, we are very pleased that you are now creating an account in order to use all the functions of the platform. Registration and use of the platform functions are completely free for you as a host.

For us, nothing is more important than the safety of your personal data!

Your privacy is our highest priority. All of your personal data that you entrust with us will be protected by us and kept safe.

With the exception of the booking process, only your chosen display is used.

Choose a complex and secure password!

A password doesn't have to be complex to be secure. A sufficient length is essential!

The password must contain at least:

  • 12 characters
  • one lowercase letter (a-z)
  • one uppercase letter (A-Z)
  • one digit (0-9)